SAM-Translations offers you professional translations of high quality from English to German and German to English. If you wish to have your document translated into another language, don’t hestitate to contact us. We are delighted to offer you a personal quotation. All our translations are proofread by experienced and competent native speakers.

Our translators are specialised in following subjects.

- Technical texts (e.g. computers, manufacturing processes, automobile technology,
  mechanical engineering, etc.)
- Economics (e.g. balance sheets, stock markets, correspondence, press releases, contracts,
- Politics
- Literature (cookbooks, short stories, novels, specialised books, etc.)
- Hotel and Tourism (brochures, prospects, menues, etc.)
- Sports (ball games, cycling, water sports, winter sports, etc.)
- Homepages
- General Texts
- Marketing
- Market Research
- Certified Translations


Further subjects on request





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